January 12, 2011

Shrine of Remembrance-- Melbourne

Dear Readers,

As on previous page I talked about the beautifulness of Royal Botanic Gardens, in this page I will talk about the greatness of Shrine of Remembrance which is only located a short block to Royal Botanic Gardens.

The Shrine of Remembrance, located in Kings Domain on St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Australia was built as a memorial to the men and women of Victoria who served in World War I and is now a memorial to all Australians who have served in war. 
It is a site of annual observances of ANZAC DAY (25 April) and Remembrance Day (11 November) and is one of the largest war memorial in Australia. *

Here some snapshoot of the building architecture and features :

Some of the exterior of the building

One of the four groups of statuary which mark the corners of the Shrine

Shrine of Remembrance on sunset 
The building complex is huge. We can enter the building and mesmerize the history written there.
Inside the Shrine is the Sanctuary, a high vaulted space entered by four tall portals of Classical design .

At the centre of the Sanctuary is the Stone of Remembrance. 
This is a marble stone sunk below the pavement, so that visitors must bow their heads to read the inscription on it: GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN
Overall, this Shrine of Remembrance is recommended to be visited. 
Thank you for visiting my blog and see ya on the next page..


YS World

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